Words related to category: Ts-T1 Fire Note: Category links were automatically generated broadly based on the gloss. As a result some links may be unrelated, which we are in the process of removing.
duula̱ la̱k flame | dziiblk burn down | dziibltk burn down | goom glowing | gwelk burn | gwe'lgn burn something | gyiimst match | g̱a̱mt'u'utsk charcoal | g̱a̱ngwelka kindling wood | g̱a̱nhaayk sparks | laguulk'a burn | lag̱awk= from the side of the house to the fire | la̱guulgit burnt possessions of a dead person | la̱guulk burn | la̱k fire/firewood | ligooks charred | maadzis matches | maalk burn | nla̱k fireplace | 'nagwaalk have a burn hole | oołk get firewood | p'iyaan smoke | sigwelk light a fire | sila̱ks build a fire | si'oołk gather firewood | sip'iyaan smoke | sip'iyaansk make smoked | sixoolk toast | sixoolk'a toasted seaweed | smla̱k open fire/woodstove | ts'oołik burning embers | uunksik ashes | xp'iyaan smoke/cigarette smoke | xts'antk scorch |